Planning Services
Stewart Land Use provides you with ongoing municipal zoning and subdivision consultation, administration, and assistance services. We also assist communities in leading community planning and land use projects ranging from small area plans through community-wide comprehensive plan projects.
We can help you with:
Review of development plans and zoning applications.
Supplemental Planning & Zoning Staff Support
Planning Commission & BZA Training
Zoning Administration
Community Planning / Land Use Projects
Economic Development
Stewart Land Use provides local governments with economic development support in a variety of roles and project deliverables. These projects include project specific assistance and economic development supplemental staff support on an on-going basis.
We can help you with:
Contract Economic Development Staffing
Preferred Developer Negotiations
Community Reinvestment Area Program (CRA)
Tax Increment Financing Negotiations (TIF)
Community Improvement Corporations (CIC)
Re-Development Plans
Supplemental Staff Support
Stewart Land Use provides a variety of zoning services to both public sector and private sector clients. This includes single chapter zoning code rewrites through full zoning code rewrites. We also provide zoning entitlement review and local representation services for corporate clients.
We can help you with:
Zoning Code Updates
Subdivision Regulations
Planned Unit Developments
Overlay Districts
Sexually Oriented Business Legislation
Historic District Regulations
Zoning Entitlement Review