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Representative Zoning Work
Berea Zoning Code Re-Write
City of Berea, Ohio

Milford Downtown Design Guidelines
City of Milford, Ohio

Silverton Zoning Code Re-Write
Village of Silverton, Ohio

Pierce Township PUD Standards
Pierce Township, Ohio

Access Management Guidelines
Clermont County, Ohio
Deer Park Zoning Code Re-Write
City of Deer Park, Ohio

These zoning projects were project managed and drafted by Jay Stewart while working at the Kleingers Group. Stewart Land Use continues its' affiliation with the Kleingers Group by utilizing their Landscape Architecture Studio for certain graphics and visualization images when needed.
Representative Land Use Planning Work
Xenia Township Land Use Plan
Xenia Township, Ohio

SR 28 Corridor Development Plan
Goshen Township, Ohio

Milford Comprehensive Plan
City of Milford, Ohio

Centerville Place Re-Development Plan
City of Centerville, Ohio

Fairfield Township Vision Plan
Fairfield Township, Ohio

Deer Park Comprehensive Plan
City of Deer Park, Ohio

These community planning projects were project managed and drafted by Jay Stewart while working at the Kleingers Group. Stewart Land Use continues its' affiliation with the Kleingers Group by utilizing their Landscape Architecture Studio for certain graphics and visualization images when needed.
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